DEV Registry Service

Manifest Status Report

Manifest URL:

Last access attempt: 2024-04-19 22:54:27.631 (4 minutes ago)
Last access status: Warning
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Warning We have found an inconsistency in your Discovery API manifest. We were expecting to find this URL in one of your discovery/url elements, but we didn't:

This is not vital for most EWP clients, because Discovery API is usually accessed by the Registry Service only, but still, it seems to be a small bug that you should fix.


According to EWP's namespace-naming rules, the version of your API in the namespace should start with 6., but 1.0.0 was found instead.

Note, that this check is applied only for API namespaces beginning with


For security reasons, descendants of the <apis-implemented> element are not allowed to reside in Registry API and Discovery API namespaces. These elements will not be imported, and you should remove them from your manifest.